Exploring the Nashville Coffee Scene

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetRecently a friend an I decided to take a little road trip down to the great music city that is Nashville, TN. The trip was mostly leisure with a little work thrown in. Due to Nashville being a recently booming city–no longer just attracting the country music lovers, but instead attracting a newer generation of young adults. Because of this younger/cooler/fresher vibe, Nashville now attracts people of all backgrounds and career interests. Coffee shops become a necessary culture and atmosphere for this new generation, serving as a type of “office” or a social gathering place.

While in Nashville, I wanted to check out some of the coffee shops the city had to offer. Although we were only in the city a short three full days we managed to get to go to five different cafe/coffee shops. I have to say that there was not a bad one in the bunch, but there were definitely aspects of some that I preferred over others.

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Exploring the Nashville Coffee Scene